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A nonprofit alliance of volunteer scientists and supporters who advocate an increased understanding of the nature, value, and integrity of science to benefit our communities.

About Us

Meet the Selkirk Alliance for Science Officers and Board of Directors.

Image by Julius Drost

Science News

​In science, “basic research” attempts to learn things that aren’t necessarily applicable or useful in the short-term. “Applied research” strives to answer a question or solve a problem in the immediate real world. Learn more about both kinds of research on subjects of potential relevance to our local area.

Volunteering Group

Get Involved

There are many ways you can get involved and support the integrity of science! 

Become A Member

Members contribute to the educational mission with their enthusiasm, time, ideas and financial donations.


​Education is a life-long journey for knowledge, and science information or data can be found as near as your computer screen. Learn more about the world of curiosity and inquiry.

Woman in Library

Upcoming Events

Moth Flyer POS 7-24.JPG
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